Friday, February 20, 2009

Graduate School - February Update

Graduate School 

Other than the massive amounts of reading... Here's an example of what I've been up to lately. 

Books are also posted on my GoodReads. RSS.

Recently completed assignments: (remember school just started January 19th-ish... was that really only a month ago?!)

College Student Development - Leadership/Mentoring/Training 
-Scholarly Article Summaries/Presentations: 
WICS Approach to Leadership by Robert Sternberg
Teaching Leadership by Susan Leshnower
-Reading/Researching other articles on leadership
-Textbook  for first half of class
-Workshop development - will be leading 60-90 minute leadership training workshop to Resident Assistants at the end of April 

Counseling - Skills and Techniques
-First video, transcription of every word said in the video, table for transcription observations/comments/intentions; and critique paper 
(worked in groups; Turned in the 20 minute session that I served as the therapist)

Counseling - Multicultural Counseling and Diversity
-Reading times ten million - textbooks, articles, outside readings on Blackboard
-Cultural Autobiography - Scholarly critique paper, at least 10 sources, 25 pages 
-Diversity Project - ongoing throughout semester (will blog about this later)
-Collaborative Wiki - researching populations, creating a chapter on specific population

I've found some cool articles (Seven Habits of Highly Effective Health Educators) and some cool quotes in my readings.  I hope to share more of this type of thing soon. 

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