Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Enneagram

I've been MIA with the internet world.  Emails, Twitter, Facebook, and Blog.... My online world is neglected. Well, to be honest since starting graduate school my online-ness dwindled. 

This summer one of my courses is called "College Student Development - College Student Services."  It's basically Student Affairs 101.  We've had 2 classes so far and I'm loving it.  Last night we learned about a useful tool for understanding yourself and others called "The Enneagram."  Here's a link for taking the test to learn about yourself.  See the sample test (it's free, about 35 questions, pretty easy). If you find it interesting I suggest learning more about it...   

I'm loving the Enneagram and planning to do more research on it myself. I did not take the sample test before class, so during/after class I was confident that I am a 9 (The Peacemaker) (with a 1 "wing";  and 6 and 3 "arrows"), but might be some of a 2 (The Helper).   After taking the sample test last night and just now, I'm coming up with a combo of 9, 2, and 6 (The Loyalist).  So I will be looking to get these books that my Professor (Director of Residence Life) and our Guest Speaker (Assistant Director of RL) recommended last night:  The Enneagram by Rohr and Ebert, The Enneagram by Helen Palmer, and The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Power of the Enneagram (actually recommended by the Enneagram Institute and our Guest Speaker!) 

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